newsSoniamiki announces new album FEDERICO. Release date - 8.04.2016. Watch the video for Fantazi. Even if the winter lasted far too long, Soniamiki reminds us to the nice aspects of snow and ice. So put on your skates and drink lemoniada. The song 'Lemoniada' was released on Soniamiki's brand new album SNMK. You can listen to the whole album > here. New Album SNMK Here you can > listen to the new Songs. Soniamiki will present her new album live on 5 Oct at Horns Erben in Leipzig and on 6 Oct at Antje Øklesund in Berlin The album SNMK can be ordered via > amazon or > iTunes. 1st interactive music video in Poland ![]() Soniamiki is currently working on her 2nd album which will be released in 2012 on moanin'. As an appetizer we now launched the first polish interactive music video for the single 'Night Is So Safe'. The video can be watched here: > The viewer has to click the spots at the video in the correct order to build little monsters. If the viewer manages to build three monsters during the running time of the video it can download the single for free. At Soniamiki's blog you
can find background information about the video shot: Working on a new Album Soniamiki is currently recording the songs for her new album. Like her Debut "7pm" the new CD will be released on moanin'. Soon she will release a first single as a video. More information on the upcomming album will be announced soon. (Sep 21, 2011) New Video for a New Song Soniamiki shot a new video for her new song 'Wiem Nie'. Thanks to all supporters that contributed to the video, especially producer Ewa Gaj, Momint, fashion designer Agata Krajewska and many others. The influential german music mag 'intro' compared Soniamiki already with Emilie Simon, Kate Nash, La Roux and Notwist. At the > pics section of this website you'll also find photos of the video set. Enjoy! Video Shoot for 'Wiem Nie' ![]() Soniamiki shooted a video for her new song 'Wiem Nie'. Pics of the shoot are available > here. The video will be released soon. Pics of Gig at Fashion Show in Warsaw on 22nd Oct ![]() On 22nd October Soniamiki contributed the music to a fashion show of Agata Krajewska at Warsaw's Nizio Galery. The polish press reported on the event. The reports including a lot of photos can be found here: > dilemmas magazine > forum gwiazd > paweł zegarow blog Soniamiki Play Fashion Show of Agata Krajewska in Warsaw on 22nd Oct ![]() Soniamiki was founded some yeasr ago as a side project for contributing music to a fashion show of a friend. Now after releasing her first album she will make a side trip back to the roots and play the fashion show of Agata Krajewska on 22nd October at Nizio Gallery in Warsaw. Find all relevant information > here. New Hand Painted T-Shirt to Win ![]() Once again Soniamiki painted a new t-shirt for one of her fans. You can get the unique shirt for free if you'll make it to be the first to answer the question of price. Watch the video and learn how it works: > here New Videos of Live Show at Open'er Festival 2010 ![]() On July 2nd Soniamiki played live at Poland's biggest festival in Gdynia. Now there are some videos of the live show available at the > video section at this website. > more New Press Pics Soon ![]() Soniamiki had a shooting with photographer > Joanna Pawlowska and make-up artist > Malgorzata Jakubowska at a hotel. A first sample can be seen at the > press photo section of this website. More pics of the shooting will be published soon. Soniamiki at Heineken Open'er Festival 2010 Soniamiki will play at Poland's biggest festival in Gdynia on July 2nd. Besides Pearl Jam, Massive Attack, The Hives and Mondo Diao you can see Soniamiki live at the Young Talents Stage at 7.30 pm. More information you will find at the festival page >here. Video of the Bielefeld concert on May 14th Thanks to all at the Bielefeld gig for the great fun we had together. Here you can watch a short video with some scenes from the concert: Live at Antje Øklesund, Berlin on May 13th Soniamiki played live on Radio Eins Just before her Berlin gig at the > Schokoladen on April 7th, Berlin's biggest radio station > Radio Eins interviewed Soniamiki. On that occasion she also played a song live at the radio station. You can listen to the entire interview including the song played live > here. And here you can listen to the song 'Boys and Girls' played live at Radio Eins in a better quality: Interview at Wahrschauer Magazine At the newest issue of the > Wahrschauer music magazine you will find an interview with Soniamiki. The magazine sampler also contains the song 'nie musisz się bać' of Soniamiki. If you are able to understand German you can read the interview > here. Lyrics of "7 pm" now available Thanks to many requests we published the lyrics of Soniamiki's debut "7 pm" now. You'll find the lyrics > here handbemalte T-Shirt-Unikate zu verschenken ![]() Ab sofort wird Soniamiki einmal im Monat ein T-Shirt eigenhändig bemalen. Die Aktion wird es jeweils auf Video auf dieser Seite zu sehen geben. Für das T-Shirt können sich hinterher Interessenten bewerben. Unter den Bewerbern wird dann der Gewinner des T-Shirts ausgelost. Wie das genau geht und wie das erste T-Shirt aussieht, erfahrt Ihr > hier. Blog mit Zeichnungen eröffnet ![]() Soniamiki macht nicht nur Musik. Sie ist auch Animationsfilmerin, malt und zeichnet. Jetzt gibt es einen Blog, in dem Soniamiki jede Woche Zeichnungen mit kleinen Geschichten veröffentlicht. Wenn Ihr wissen wollt, was Soniamiki so macht, grübelt und zu erzählen hat, dann schaut vorbei in ihrem Tagebuch unter > Blueprint Fanzine zu Soniamiki Zu Soniamiki's Debüt-Album '7 pm' schreibt Christin Sydow für das Blueprint-Fanzine: "SONIAMIKI ist wunderbarer minimalistischer Elektro-Pop, der sich nicht aufdrängt und trotzdem im Ohr bleibt. Manchmal verträumt und manchmal albern, aber immer leicht, spielerisch und klar." Die komplette Besprechung gibt es > hier. > ins Album "7 pm" reinhören Die Presse zum Debüt-Album "7 pm" "Ziemlich gut!!!" (Klaus Fiehe, WDR - 1LIVE) "Danke für die schöne Musik" (Stephan Karkowsky, rbb - Radio 1) "Dass elektrolastige Popmusik mit 80er Synthies nicht das alleinige Territorium von britischen Bands ist, beweist Soniamiki aus Polen." ( "Soniamiki ist richtig guter elektronisch verspielter Import aus Polen." (Oliver Zitzmann, "... hört sich sehr geil an" (Antje Benda, Radio LOHRO - Leitung Musikredaktion) | soniamiki @ > > myspace > youtube > draw diary > booking > contact > polish management > moanin' friends > l.stadt > fire tower studio > joanna pawlowska > malgorzata jakubowska > agata krajewska new album: SNMK ![]() out now on moanin' (Al!ve) buy at > amazon or > iTunes |